Santa Rosa County Commissioners this afternoon selected Growing Santa Rosa Enterprises to be the new operator of Navarre Beach Fishing Pier.
The transition between current pier operator Coastal Concessions, LLC is expected to take place within the next 30 days.
Growing Santa Rosa Enterprises was selected from a pool of three finalists after a fourth finalist, Navarre Beach Pier, LLC, this morning asked to be removed from consideration.
The three remaining finalists, who were selected September 14 from an initial field of 11 proposals, made presentations to the board this afternoon:
– Johnny Huston’s Bar & Grille
– TC’s Front Porch owner Bob Benaquis and investor Robert Cook
– Growing SRC Enterprises (Ken Fountain et al)
After voting the commissioners were asked if any bidders had contributed to their election campaigns.
“I did have a spouse from a member of Growing Santa Rosa Enterprises contribute to my campaign,” said Commissioner Sam Parker, who later added that Benaquis had also given him money to run for office.
Cole said the Fountains had donated a “whole bunch of money” to his opponent.
Salter and Lynchard said that none of the parties contributed to recent campaigns.