Santa Rosa County District Schools announced today that all regions of Santa Rosa County now have live, agricultural-atmospheric weather stations providing intelligence, safety, reporting, data analysis, lightning warnings, standards-aligned lessons, and sky cameras. These stations were made possible through a unique public-private partnership with Santa Rosa County Emergency Management and WeatherSTEM.
“Our colleagues at Emergency Operations Centers throughout Florida have shared how these stations provide decision-critical information in weather emergencies. Supporting student education and citizen safety through WeatherSTEM stations continues our proud history with Santa Rosa Schools,” said Santa Rosa County’s Director of Emergency Management Brad Baker.
According to WeatherSTEM CEO Ed Mansouri, “WeatherSTEM brings weather stations, “cloud cameras”, and garden probes to schools, connects them to the Internet, and the data and images they capture power a web, mobile, and social media platform packed with tons of science curriculum as well as health and safety tools like lightning tracking.
“As Santa Rosa Schools continues to lead the nation in K-12 STEM education, we realize the power of partnerships with philanthropists, business leaders, and civic enterprises. Thanks to WeatherSTEM and Santa Rosa Emergency Management we can deliver on our mission to provide a relevant and superior educational experience for our students,” said Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Bill Emerson.
Santa Rosa County has seven WeatherSTEM units including one at the Navarre Beach Marine Science Station. They’re online at http://santarosa.weatherstem.com.