Cops, a nationally aired reality crime show, was filming in Santa Rosa County last summer, and this week aired an episode featuring an altercation in which Patricia Marion Ricker, 53, of East Milton, was charged with aggravated battery after using a can of corn as a weapon against her roommate.
Ricker was charged with a second-degree felony count of aggravated battery causing bodily harm.
According to Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office records, police responded July 11 to 4301 Carl Booker Road in reference to a disturbance.
Upon arrival deputies spoke with the victim, who was on the front porch, bleeding from the back of her head. EMS was summoned to the scene.
While awaiting medical attention, the victim told police that Ricker, her roommate, had pushed her. According to the victim, she then defended herself by punching Ricker, who allegedly punched back before hitting her in the head with an unopened can of corn.
The victim said she was struck so hard that the can of corn busted open, causing corn to spill out.
Timmy Baker, who was Ricker’s boyfriend and fellow roommate, witnessed the incident and corroborated the victim’s account.
Deputies spoke to Ricker, who said the victim “got up in her face and grabbed her by the hair” then began fighting. She admitted to hitting the victim in the back of the head with the can of corn during the altercation then tossing the can into the edge of the woods to hide it.
The victim said she wanted to press charges against Riker for battery. Based on the statements from the victim and witness, Ricker was placed under arrest and transported to Santa Rosa County Jail, where she was issued a $500 bond.
South Santa Rosa News reached out to the victim, who said she had to receive 8 staples and incurred $5,000 in medical expenses due to the incident.
Ricker has a felony motion hearing scheduled for today.