VFW Auxiliary Spectre Post 11367 is excited to announce the kick-off of the VFW Auxiliary’s annual Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest. Local students in grades 9-12 have the opportunity to compete for $31,000 in national scholarships.
Students must submit an original two- or three-dimensional piece of artwork. Digital art, photography and jewelry are not accepted. The entry must have completed during the current 2019-2020 school year and the application must include a teacher or supervising adult’s signature.
Students begin by competing at the local VFW Auxiliary level. The first-place winner from each Auxiliary advances to the state competition. State first-place winners compete for their share of $31,000 in national awards, and the national first- place winner is awarded a $15,000 scholarship. National first- through eighth-place winners are featured in VFW Auxiliary Magazine and on the VFW Auxiliary website. All state winning entries will be held and displayed and judged at the VFW Auxiliary National Convention that will take place July 18-23, 2020 in Reno, Nevada.
The VFW Auxiliary started the Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest in 1979 to recognize up-and-coming artists and encourage patriotism in youth. Approximately 4,000 students participate each year and in addition to $31,000 in national scholarships, local and state VFW Auxiliaries throughout the nation award more than $140,000 in Patriotic Art scholarships every year.
Student entries must be submitted to VFW Auxiliary Spectre Post 11367 by March 31, 2020. Interested students, parents and teachers should contact JoAnn Kradel at 850-748-9281 or at jokradel@hotmail.com for more information.
To download an application and see the 2019 winners, visit https://vfwauxiliary.org/scholarships.