Santa Rosa County cancels, combines meetings due to COVID-19 pandemic

Posted on March 17, 2020 by Staff reports

Santa Rosa County has cancelled or combined several meetings in March and April due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The Santa Rosa County Tourist Development Council’s March 19 budget workshop will still take place at 8:30 a.m., Thursday, March 19 at Navarre’s Official Visitor Center, located at 8543 Navarre Parkway.

So far the following county meetings have been cancelled, per the county website:

  • March 19 Land Development Code public forum;
  • March 23 commission committee meeting;
  • March 26 rezoning meeting;
  • April 2 Tourist Development Council.

According to county staff, it is undetermined as of today whether or not the March 24 RESTORE Council meeting, April 23 rezoning meeting and non-commission meetings in April will take place.

However, the board of county commissioners will convene as planned on March 26, April 9 and April 23, combining its committee and regular meetings. Those agendas and all supporting materials will be published on Thursdays evenings one week prior to the meetings at (select meetings using the calendar at the bottom of the homepage)

The public can provide input to commissioners via 

Additionally, starting Friday, March 20, a public input form will be available on the aforementioned website with specific guidance, direction and procedure for the public to provide input/comment on individual agenda items or to bring forward issues that residents would like heard during public forum.

“Public input received via this process will be read into the record either when the individual agenda item is presented or during public forum as requested by the submitter,” said Dan Schebler, county administrator.