Marcus Dillard receives 2020 Michael Ribodoux Hero Award

Posted on June 9, 2020 by Staff reports

Big Brothers Big Sisters of NW FL on June 4 presented Big Brother Marcus Dillard with the 2020 Michael Robidoux Hero Award.
BBBSNWFL created the annual award in 2019 to honor the legacy of late Big Brother Michael Robidoux, a devoted Big who was matched with his Little Brother Deontrez for over three years and passed away March 25, 2018 while trying to save two young children from rough surf at Navarre Beach.
“I am truly blown away. I thank Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northwest Florida for giving me the opportunity to make this impact on the community,” said Dillard. “My goal is to reach as many kids as I can and change their lives. I want to show others the better things in life and be a good role model for children growing up.”
Dillard has been matched with his Little Brother for more than a year. He is a 21-year-old firefighter,  serving in the United States Air Force. Two days before his 2019 deployment to Africa, he orchestrated a Christmas gift fundraiser for the Littles in Okaloosa County, raising $1,300 to purchase toys not only for the children of BBBSNWFL but also for their siblings.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and respect to social distancing, the presentation took place virtually via Zoom with Dillard’s family, colleagues and BBBSNWFL staff. 

To watch the entire Zoom presentation you can visit the BBBSNWFL YouTube Channel.

BBBSNWFL has been the area’s leader in one-to-one mentoring for 30 years, serving children ages 5-18. The organization’s mission is to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships which ignite the power and promise of youth. Last year, BBBSNWFL served 646 children in Northwest Florida. To learn more about BBBSNWFL, visit or call 850-433-5437.