The Santa Rosa County Supervisor of Elections Office has been busy processing requests from thousands of voters who want to vote by mail during the upcoming elections.
“We are currently at over 17,600 requests, including both military and civilian,” stated Supervisor of Elections Tappie Villane, who pointed out that is more than 7,600 additional requests since the March 17 Presidential Preference Primary.
The deadline to request a primary election ballot by mail is 5 p.m., August 8. The deadline to register to vote or change party affiliation for the primary is July 20.
For those wishing to vote at the polls, early voting starts August 3 and ends August 15. Voting take place daily during that period from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.
Primary election day voting will take place from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. on Tuesday, August 18.
During today’s Santa Rosa County budget workshop, Villane told commissioners some adjustments will be made to this year’s voting procedures due to COVID-19, including the use of PPE by poll workers and the availability of hand sanitizer for voters.
Additionally, Villane also noted that some smaller voting places may be relocated to larger spaces. Those details will be announced prior to the start of voting.
The General Election is scheduled for Tuesday, November 3. Villane told the board she is planning for that ballot to be two pages and said it will include a Spanish version of the text.
Contact the Elections Office at (850) 983-1900 to request a ballot or for more information.