House Bill 747, Coverage for Air Ambulance Services, sponsored by Representative Jayer Williamson, was signed into law by Governor Ron DeSantis on Fri., Sept. 18. The legislation effectively ends the practice of balance billing in Florida by closing a federal loophole that allowed air ambulances to continue to balance bill Floridians.
“Air ambulance companies were knowingly bankrupting Florida families with surprise medical bills for transportation to the hospital, even while the Florida Legislature had outlawed most forms of balance billing. This predatory strategy that the air ambulances were able to use because of a federal pricing shield was abhorrent; but today, thanks to Governor Ron DeSantis signing HB 747 into law, all Floridians will be protected from surprise medical bills,” said Williamson.
The Florida Legislature has a history of protecting consumers by banning surprise medical bills when someone is in the hospital. This bill extends that ban by ending surprise medical bills from bankrupting any Florida family as they travel to the hospital to seek care.
“I thank Governor DeSantis for signing this good bill into law, my fellow sponsor, Senator Manny Diaz, for championing it alongside me, and all of my House colleagues for voting in favor of this legislation. Our goal of protecting Florida’s citizens from crippling medical bills is finally coming full circle,” continued Williamson.