The Milton City Council met in a special called October 27 meeting to appoint a replacement to fill the
unexpired term of Mrs. Heather Hathaway. Mrs. Hathaway resigned on September 8, 2020 due to no longer
residing in the City of Milton. Under the requirements of the City Charter, the Council had 60 days to complete
the appointment process.
On Thursday, October 22, 2020, at the Committee of the Whole meeting, Council heard from each of the five
candidates vying for the seat. The candidates were Alexander S. Bach, Michael Cullinane, Michael Cusack,
James Raffield and David T. Richardson, Jr.
Each Councilmember was allowed to rank their top two choices. Following that exercise, the top two
candidates were David T. Richardson and Michael Cusack. By a vote of 6 to 1, Council appointed David T.
Richardson, Jr. to fill the Ward 1, Seat 1 until the 2022 election.
“As I represent Ward 1, I hope to do what is best for the City as a whole. My special interest group is the
citizens of the City of Milton”, said Mr. Richardson following his appointment.
Mr. Richardson works for the Santa Rosa County Schools and is a former pastor. He will be sworn in at the
City Council Meeting on Monday, November 10, 2020 at 5:30 p.m.
For more information, please contact the City at 850-983-5400.