A dashboard of the progress is available at the county’s web site, www.santarosa.fl.gov and features a gauge of the cubic yards collected, number of days remaining in the contract and work zones. This map is updated daily after 11 a.m. Of the 53 work zones in the unincorporated county, 30 have had a first pass and are depicted in blue, 20 are currently active and depicted in red, and three remain to be collected, depicted in gold.
With 5,000 miles of road and an average of 40 trucks collecting debris from sunup to sundown, approximately 400,000 cubic yards of the 1,050,000 cubic yards of debris has been collected. The contractor is currently on day 45 of the 90-day contract and the process will take three passes. Due to the large size of the debris pickup trucks, the number of trucks working in a zone is limited. A notice will be sent prior to the third and final pass. Subscribe to county notices at www.santarosa.fl.gov/list.aspx.
The debris removal is for residents only, not businesses. Residents are asked not to put non-hurricane debris (bagged lawn clippings, household garbage, old furniture or broken appliances not related to the storm) in debris piles and should contact their waste hauler to schedule a bulk waste pickup or take it to Central Landfill, 6337 Da Lisa Rd. in Milton, Mon. through Sat., 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. Likewise, residents should not to put hurricane debris in trash or recycling cans as waste haulers are not responsible for hurricane debris.
Residents who do not wish to wait for the debris haulers to remove their vegetative debris may take it to Central Landfill at no cost until further notice. Treated lumber is not vegetative debris.
Report any debris blocking drainage infrastructure or roads, via the citizen work request form, by calling 850-626-0191 or emailing public-works@santarosa.fl.gov.
Santa Rosa County requires all homeowners associations representing private or gated subdivisions or roads execute a right of entry and hold harmless form before debris can be removed from those premises. The right of entry/hold harmless form can be found at https://bit.ly/2EVKSlW and must be completed by an authorized representative and emailed to MalloryW@santarosa.fl.gov. For questions on debris pickup in private neighborhoods, contact the county attorney’s office, 850-983-1857.