LETTER TO EDITOR: Keep Opportunistic, Untrustworthy People Out of Office

Posted on June 12, 2024 by LETTER TO EDITOR

Dear Editor,

I already did not support Aaron Dimmock for Congress because our current representative, Matt Gaetz, is doing a fantastic job fighting for us in Washington, D.C. Dimmock’s support for the left-wing “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) agenda is also a non-negotiable red flag. But when I read a story published in the South Santa Rosa News about Dimmock’s fundraiser hosted by Dan Schebler The Liar, I could not believe Dimmock’s audacity!

Munson Highway has been in dire need of repair for years, and as the former County Administrator, it was Schebler’s responsibility to fix this. Just a short time ago, he was exposed for lying to his constituents about submitting paperwork to secure this funding. His negligence and lies hurt our community. On top of that, his administration wanted to make our Land Development Code more “gender-neutral.”

Corrupt politicians like Kevin McCarthy and Dan Schebler have never cared to actually help their constituents. If Aaron Dimmock wants to represent his community, then he should have run in Missouri where he lives. Opportunists like Dimmock run for office to grow their own money and power – and that is it.

It is our duty as voters to keep these untrustworthy people out of office. We should re-elect people like Congressman Matt Gaetz, who live in and care about our community, so that they can continue to fight for us and take back this country from the Radical Left.

Elizabeth DiGiorgio, Navarre