SANTA ROSA INSIDER: Rudman delivers ZERO money for county projects, reportedly says pro-incorporation take their own poll

Posted on June 20, 2024 by EDITORIAL BOARD

This session Rep. Joel Rudman brought back ZERO dollars for county projects in his district – despite $6.5 million being approved by the legislature. Governor Ron DeSantis vetoed every.single.county request in District 3, including an appropriation for East River Road park.

That’s made many of us wonder if Tallahassee leadership is UPSET with RUDMAN for actively working with DEMOCRATS to expand MEDICAID, an effort strongly opposed by Republicans. He claims Tally loves him, but they certainly showed him no love when it came to sending him money for the county.

Fortunately, Rep. Alex Andrade had better luck and was able to secure appropriations for stormwater drainage in South Santa Rosa amongst other projects.

Tonight Rudman is teaming up with Preserve Navarre to promote a vote for incorporation via social media.

Santa Rosa County Commissioners recently REJECTED Preserve Navarre’s request for a Nov. 5 non-binding referendum AKA a straw poll, sending the pro-incorporation group back to the drawing board to correct FALSE and INACCURATE information in their feasibility study. So now Rudman is reportedly saying he will let them BYPASS an actual ballot referendum and just pay for their OWN VOTE. What a joke, considering everyone with half a brain knows how easily polls can be manipulated. Remember how one local third-party poll showed Rebekah Jones was ahead of Matt Gaetz, who won by a landslide…

Navarre’s anti-incorporation leader, Republican Debbie Gunnoe, FINALLY had a meeting yesterday with Rudman. She said he told her he hasn’t read all of the feasibility study nor watched all of the county commission meeting in which Preserve Navarre was corrected by commissioners.

The good news is that Rudman cannot unilaterally make the call about local bills. The Northwest Florida Legislative Delegation for Santa Rosa County will ultimately decide whether or not a self-funded poll by Preserve Navarre will suffice to move the initial legislation forward. The binding vote on whether or not Navarre wants incorporation would take place after that. 

Also keep in mind that Florida House District 2 Representative Alex Andrade represents Navarre Beach and part of the Navarre mainland. He shut down an attempt by Perdido Key to incorporate after reading the related feasibility study. He’s one of the most intelligent and effective legislators we’ve seen in the Florida Panhandle.

So let Rudman try to help Preserve Navarre cheat the system, bypassing a true vote and instead presenting what will surely be a biased poll which they design and fund. We still have two other legislators who likely won’t go along with that scheme.

During his first term, Rudman actively worked with Democrats and community agitators. He was only able to get 4 of 14 of his sponsored bills passed and did a DISASTROUS job carrying funding back home across the finish line this session. 

Hopefully he will do a better job in his second term. To do so he will need to stop pandering to Pitchforkers.

He seemingly hates us for speaking the truth about his actual performance record. Recently an area leader asked me to “back off” Rudman. How can that happen when he continues to favor liberal agendas, especially those trying to change our community by opposing higher taxes and more government regulation on Navarre residents who are struggling just to make ends meet under Bidenflation? 

Slow down the madness. There is no need to rush a poorly written $22 million per year plan from Preserve Navarre just because they’re sycophants for Rudman.

Let Rudman know your thoughts about letting pro-incorporation rush their costly, inaccurate plan. 850-642-0777.