Photo courtesy of Kenny Wilder, Florida Master Naturalist, who shot the photo at the west end of Navarre Beach, looking eastward.
Crews from Weeks Marine have completed beach fill at grading for the Navarre Beach renourishment project.
According to the county’s June 17 status report, tomorrow workers are expected to begin breaking down and moving pipe out of the area.
This week crews are expected to remove sublines from the beach and start moving equipment Pensacola Beach, where they will perform another renourishment project.
The Project Engineer will continue to monitor for shorebird and seabird nesting and breeding activity and continue field compliance observations of the Contractor as dredging completes and demobilization begins.
Dune planting will be done in mid-July.
During the project roughly 1.3 million cubic yards of sand was be placed from the eastern border of Gulf Islands National Seashore to the eastern limits of the Navarre Beach Marine Park.