Brandon Lee Hawkins, 15 years of age from Navarre, was arrested October 11 on a warrant for the following charges:
(2 counts) Second-degree Felony Intimidation/Write Send Threat to Kill or Injure
(1 count) Second-degree Misdemeanor Disturbing Peace/Interfere with School/Admin Function
This was in reference to the investigation stemming from the threats made during an incident we reported on October 4, stated Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office Spokesman Sgt. Rich Aloy.
“Hawkins was taken into custody today,” Aloy said.
Lt. Jason Erlemann, officer in charge of the Navarre District said SRSO takes threats seriously.
“We have had repeated threats of school shootings. These types of threats are of the utmost concern to us. If anyone becomes aware of this type of activity, please do not ever dismiss it,” Erlemann said.
According to Erlemann, threats should be reports to the sheriff’s office.
“Once we are made aware, we have action plans in place to safeguard our children. The Sheriff is working on putting more school resource officers in the middle schools. It is just a matter of sorting out the manpower,” Erlemann said, pointing out that parents should make sure weapons are stored securely and properly.