Rep. Doug Broxson (R-Midway) is hosting a workshop on Monday to address one of the area’s biggest and most costly problem.
The problem is about the size of a penny and invades the area in Spring, causing hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage to area structures.
The pests are Formosan termites. And the termites cause an estimated $1 billion in damage to homes and businesses in the United States alone.
The termites typically make their appearance in the Spring time and swarm around and inside homes.
Broxson, who has held informational seminars on the termites in the past, is hosting his first termite workshop of 2016 in Pensacola.
With him, Broxson is bringing experts from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and the University of Florida IFAS Extension office. The speakers will answer any questions locals might have about the termites and will offer advice on how to stop the insects from causing damage to homes.
Specific topics will include:
– Formosan termite biology including simple ways to ID them.
– Available Formosan termite pest control protection for you home.
– Identifying and fixing the weaknesses in and around your home.
The workshop will take place on Monday from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Tryon Library located at 1200 Langley Avenue in Pensacola.
Check in will start at 5:45 p.m.
The program is free, but participants are asked to pre-register by calling (850) 475-5230 or emailing bbolles@ufl.edu. Space is limited.