The Gulf Breeze Chamber of Commerce has announced that dozens of entrants have registered for the 2018 Gulf Breeze Holiday Parade, which will take place Saturday, December 1. The parade kicks off the local Christmas parade season, which culminates with the Pensacola Christmas Parade, a major event attracting more than 50,000 spectators.
The Gulf Breeze parade will start at 10 a.m. behind Gulf Breeze High School and proceed down Shoreline Dr., passing City Hall and the Gulf Breeze Community Center. Finally, the parade will turn onto McLane Road and end at Fairpointe Drive beside First Baptist Church of Gulf Breeze.
Parking is available at Gulf Breeze Community Center and Shoreline Park South. Attendees are allowed to line the grassy areas along Shoreline Drive and McLane Road — unless the area has been otherwise marked.
This year’s parade will celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Gulf Breeze Area Chamber with a “Totally Awesome 80’s” theme.
Navarre Christmas Parade: 2 p.m, Saturday, December 1
Small parade starting Navarre Library. Proceeds south on Presidio Street and east at Esplanade Street, ending in the back parking lot of Centennial Bank.
Pensacola Beach Lighted Boat Parade & Fireworks: Saturday, December 1
4 p.m. Pre-show party for kids. Starting at 6:30 p.m., lighted Boat Parade travels from Sabine Marina, under Bob Sikes Bridge, docking around 7:30 p.m. at Quietwater Beach Boardwalk. Look for Santa on the lead boat! Soundside fireworks at 8 p.m. with Santa Claus making an appearance at the Quietwater Shell.
City of Milton Christmas Parade: 6-8 p.m., Saturday, December 1
Largest holiday parade in Santa Rosa County with more than 60 entries, including many floats. Starts at the Milton Community Center on Byrom Street and proceeds north to James Street then east toward Stewart Street, ending on Elva Street. The event will feature a Christmas movies theme.
Surfing Santa Beach Parade: 2 p.m., Sunday, December 2
Fun day time parade starts at Avenida 10, proceeds west on Via de Luna, ending at the Gulfside Pavilion at Casino Beach. Meet & greet with Santa following the parade.
City of Fort Walton Christmas Parade: 6:30 p.m., Monday, December 3
Parade takes place on Eglin Parkway, starting at First Street and ending at Irwin Avenue (Kmart). The events features a “Christmas Toys for Girls & Boys” theme.
Light Up Milton Parades – Start at 4:30 p.m., Saturday, December 7
4:30 children’s parade on Elmira Street; 5:30 p.m. Santa’s Reindeer Parade on Elmira Street; 7:45 lighted boat parade at Riverwalk Park.
Destin Christmas Parade: 10 a.m., Saturday, December 8
City’s 34th Annual parade starts at Downtown Destin Shopping Center (Old Time Pottery) and travels west on U.S. 98 to Stahlman Avenue. The event features a “Christmas at the Beach” theme.
Pace Christmas Parade: 11 a.m., Saturday, December 8
Starts at Pace High School and proceeds on Norris Road to Chumuckla Highway and turns south to Pace Road, continuing east to Pace Patriot Boulevard.
Redneck Christmas Parade: 2 p.m, Saturday, December 8
Family friendly redneck themed Christmas Parade at Southern Raceway in East Milton. Following the parade and throughout the day will be other redneck Christmas themed and live country music bands through 8 p.m.
Pensacola Christmas Parade: 5:30 p.m., Saturday, December 8
Attracts more than 50,000 spectators to downtown Pensacola and features more than 110 entries, including 70 floats. Starts on Spring Street and travels east on Garden Street then north on Palafox before making a U-turn at Old Christ Church and proceeding south on Palafox, ending at Main Street.
Pick up a free copy of the November 30 issue of South Santa Rosa News for a full listing of local Christmas parades and activities! Available at these distribution sites: https://www.ssrnews.com/distribution