On Wednesday, the Gulf Breeze City Council discussed moving forward with awarding a nearly $700,000 paving project to Roads, Inc. of Northwest Florida, who will in turn pave/improve 7 streets within the city limits.
The city advertised the project back on March 30, which includes curbing and improved turning radius alongside Fairpoint Drive and road rehabilitation along Dracena Way.
According to a memo sent from Interim City Manager Samantha Abell, the city received 4 bid proposals after advertising the projects, and Roads, Inc. of NWFL came in with the lowest bid of $671,719.
Funding for the 7 different paving projects will come out of both CRA funds and the city’s general fund.
A little over $615,000 will be pulled from the city’s General Fund to cover the cost of the paving/rehab projects on Gilmore Drive, San Carlos Avenue, Hampton Street, Dracena Way and Silverthorn Road.
CRA funds are expected to cover almost $50,000 worth of work on Kevin Drive and Stearns Street.
City staff recommended the entire project be authorized for completion and analyzed eliminating certain streets in order to bring the total of the paving projects under budget.
Staff considered eliminating Dracena Way and Silvertorn Road from the set of paving projects, but those sections of roadway were supposed to have been repaved back in 2014. Due to the record April 2014 flood, those projects were pushed back. Stormwater construction along those roads also pushed the paving projects back up until now.
Streets to be repaved/rehabbed
– Kevin Drive, $29, 129, CRA
– Stearns Street, $27,103, CRA
– Gilmore Drive, $175,274, Gen. Funds
– San Carlos Avenue, $145,753, Gen. Funds
– Hampton Street, $70,276, Gen. Funds
– Dracena Way, $160,923, Gen. Funds
– Silverthorn Road, $63,258, Gen. Funds