The First Judicial Circuit will host a Driver’s License Clinic on Friday, March 8 to assist individuals whose licenses have been revoked, suspended, or cancelled. The event will be held from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the M.C. Blanchard Judicial Building in Pensacola.
Staff from the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, Escambia County Tax Collector’s Office, Florida Department of Revenue, Escambia County Clerk of Court, Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, Office of the State Attorney, and the Office of the Public Defender, along with judges and court and community corrections staff, will be on hand to assist registrants and provide individualized information relevant to each participant’s personal circumstances. The goal of the clinic is to provide “one-stop shopping” for citizens to interact with the appropriate state agencies and/or the court, so they can determine how to regain their driving privileges.
Drivers’ licenses may be suspended for a variety of reasons, including: 1) failure to pay traffic tickets; 2) the accumulation of too many points on one’s driving record; 3) failure to pay child support; 4) failure to pay or work off fines, fees, and costs imposed as part of a criminal sentence; 5) failure to maintain automobile insurance; 6) failure to register a vehicle or keep or renew the registration; 7) failure to obtain, renew, or return a car tag; or 8) designation as an habitual traffic offender. Licenses may also be revoked as a consequence of entering a plea to certain crimes, such as driving under the influence or certain drug-related offenses.
Convictions for driving while license suspended or revoked can carry serious consequences. A first offense is a second degree misdemeanor. A second offense can be charged as a first degree misdemeanor. A third or subsequent offense can be charged as a third degree felony punishable by up to five years in prison.
Clinic eligibility is outlined on the Escambia County Driver’s License Clinic event page at https://escambiacountydriverslicenseclinic.eventbrite.com. Registration will be open on January 15 at 10 a.m. Availability is limited, so interested persons should register as soon as possible. For more information, please contact court personnel at (850) 595-0550.