By order of the installation commander, Col. Michael Conley, Hurlburt Field will be closed at 6 p.m., Oct. 9, 2018, due to potential weather conditions from Hurricane Michael.
All civilian employees and military members, except those in mission essential positions required to provide essential services, are excused from duty until further notice. Civilian employees and military members must stay in contact with their chain of command.
Hurlburt Weather professionals and base leadership have been extensively analyzing the storm forecast and will continue to provide updates as Hurricane Michael progresses.
If called upon, we stand ready to support relief operations in support of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, state and local authorities, and international partners. Airmen are prepared to assist those in need by providing capabilities such as search and rescue and personnel recovery, airlift of humanitarian supplies, medical care and aeromedical evacuation.
Follow the Hurlburt Field Official and 1st SOW Commander Facebook pages for the latest updates at www.facebook.com/hurlburtfieldofficial and www.facebook.com/1.sow.commander. Additionally, hurricane preparedness-related information can be found at https://www.hurlburt.af.mil/About-Us/Hurricane/.