A Navarre rezoning request, which was facing strong opposition from nearby businesses and residents, has been withdrawn by Developer Bob Benaquis, owner of TC’s Front Porch.
Back in November, Benaquis’ request to rezone around 8.19 acres from Highway Commercial Development and Town Center Core into a Planned Business District was tabled until February in a 6-2 vote by the county’s zoning board, pending more detailed plans.
Santa Rosa County Planning and Zoning Director Shawn Ward on Wednesday said the county had not yet received updated information from Benaquis ahead of the impending February 8 rezoning meeting.
Ward today confirmed that Benaquis has officially withdrawn the request.
Benaquis on August 21, 2023 told South Santa Rosa News that he was “scratching every penny to ensure the Centennial Bank mortgage for this property gets paid.” He went on to say “we are days away from financial security I’m told.”
Then on October 30 Benaquis stated, “I really have gone through hell to get here, alone because my Edwin Watts golf shop guys been in a divorce for 3 years. There went my money guy.”