Gallery Night is back! The monthly series of art centric festivities will resume from 5-9 p.m., Friday, July 16 on South Palafox Street in historic Downtown Pensacola. The event features talented local artists, performances, merchants and food vendors.
As part of the event, Heather Huelsbeck Ensley, a 4th generation Pensacolian and founder of the Gulf Coast Quilt Trail, will be doing a temporary art installation in the Palafox corridor.
Ten Painted Quilt Squares will be hiding along Palafox Street from Garden to Main.
Additionally, Ensley will be doing a live painting demonstration at the Quilt Trail booth, which will feature information about the American Quilt Trail Movement.
Gallery Night is an art and culture event hosted on the third Friday of each month in Downtown Pensacola by nonprofit org Gallery Night Pensacola. For more information or to sign up to participate, visit gallerynightpensacola.org