Gene Valentino, Republican candidate for Florida’s 1st Congressional District, is proud to announce that he has signed the U.S. Term Limits pledge, committing to cosponsor and vote for a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on members of Congress.
This pledge represents a promise to fight for three (3) two-year House terms and two (2) six-year Senate terms, ensuring that citizen legislators—not career politicians—lead America’s government.
Speaking on his decision to sign the pledge, Valentino said:
“The D.C. swamp is filled with career politicians who have forgotten the people they serve. That is why I’ve signed this pledge to enact term limits in Congress. I am proud to stand with U.S. Term Limits and the clear majority of Americans who believe it’s time to put power back in the hands of We The People.”
Philip Blumel, President of U.S. Term Limits, praised Valentino’s decision, stating, “Gene’s strong support of term limits shows that there are individuals who are willing to put self-interest aside to follow the will of the people. America needs a Congress that will be served by citizen legislators, not career politicians.”
Valentino joins more than 150 congressional candidates and incumbents across the nation who have pledged their support for term limits. His campaign continues to resonate with voters in Northwest Florida who demand true conservative leadership in Washington.
For more information about Gene Valentino’s campaign, visit www.valentinoforcongress.com.