Gunter has clear vision for Santa Rosa County Schools

Posted on July 23, 2020 by ADVERTORIAL

“I believe our students should graduate with a diploma in one hand and an industry certification in the other hand. Business and industry leaders will choose Santa Rosa County because of our educated, skilled workforce,” said David Gunter, a candidate for Santa Rosa County Superintendent of Schools.

Gunter has a clear vision for Santa Rosa County Schools, including: 

  • Prioritize the building of new schools while engaging in responsible growth management and planning
  • Short-term and long-term plans for economic recovery
  • Students acquire college and workforce skills
  • Strengthen and form partnerships with local governments, community organizations and private industries to address the needs of students
  • Increase accountability for property tax and sales dollars through citizen advisory boards
  • Advocate in Tallahassee for increased local control and full funding in Santa Rosa County

David will also be accountable every day to the citizens as a:

  • Husband of a Santa Rosa County Teacher
  • Father of Two Santa Rosa County Students
  • Business-minded, Conservative Steward of Taxpayer’s Money

Additionally, Gunter has proven Leadership for Santa Rosa County

  • Currently manages salary contracts totaling over $160,000,000 annually for 3,100 school district employees represented by three separate unions
  • Troy University, Sorrell College of Business, Master of Science in Human Resources Management
  • Troy University, College of Education, Master of Science in Educational Leadership
  • Auburn University, Harbert College of Business, Bachelor of Science in Human Resources Management
  • 20 years of experience serving Santa Rosa School District as a teacher, Dean of Students, Assistant Principal, Principal, Middle School Director, and Director of Labor Relations and Compliance

“Together we will build successful futures for all of our students,” said Gunter.

Find out more about David at the following link:

Political advertisement paid for and approved by David Gunter, Republican, for Santa Rosa County Superintendent of Schools