John Blakeman, 49, of Holley was arrested August 29 on a first-degree misdemeanor charge of stalking after sending texts messages to his ex-girlfriend.
Cops responded August 22 to the 3500 block of Ginger Lane in reference to a harassing communications complaint. The victim, Allie Pearson, told police her ex-boyfriend, identified as Blakeman, would not stop sending text messages to her following a break up in early August.
According to police, the messages started out trying to get Pearson to talk to them and got more aggressive as the person pleaded to talk to her. Although there were no threats of violence to anyone, a text did mention something about “how it is a good day to go to jail.”
Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office records also show that deputies had responded to several calls for service involving the couple, including reports that he had tried to talk to her August 9 at her residence and August 12 at her place of work.
Pearson’s husband, Kevin, reported seeing Blakeman August 13, riding his bike near her residence.
On August 16 the victim was kayaking when Blakeman allegedly followed her in his canoe and a verbal argument took place.
The victim also reported seeing Blakeman riding his bike on Bob Tolbert Road August 22, shortly before she started receiving text messages, including one asking when she would see him again.
Blakeman is also accused of erecting a makeshift sign out of an air mattress which was placed along Hwy. 87 S last week. That sign read “Allie Jean Broxson I love you and always will I can’t unlove you John Blakeman.”
Pearson told police she was scared Blakeman was going to hurt her or her family based on his past incidents with law enforcement and how he has acted when they have broken up in the past.
When cops showed up at Blakeman’s home in the 7400 block of Chase Street, he was detained after they observed multiple bleeding cuts on his bands and wrists, which were described as appearing self-inflicted. Police reported he told them he was “very stressed out due to his relationship” with Pearson.
Additionally, while on scene cops found a suicide note in which Blakeman was apologetic to Pearson.
“Based on the above information, it is my belief that Blakeman has willfully and maliciously conducted in a course of repeated conduct that has was directed at Pearson and has caused substantial emotional distress to her. Due to this, I am requesting that a warrant be issued for John Michael Blakeman for stalking domestic violence related,” stated the reporting officer.
Blakeman remains in Santa Rosa County Jail under a $500 bond.