The ACTS Ministry at Holley Assembly of God has seen an increase in the number of persons they serve each month, rising from an average around 150 people to more than 200 last month.
ACTS, which stands for Acts of Caring Through Service, has a food distribution site, including a warehouse, located on the campus of Holley Assembly of God. Around a dozen volunteers prepare weekly meal bags.
From 10 a.m. until 12 noon, every Tuesday and Thursday, the ACTS Ministry opens its doors, allowing anyone in need from Santa Rosa County to pick up a meal bag and/or shop for free, on a first-come, first-served basis, selecting from bread, pastries and other items donated by a local grocery store and bakery.
Recently Navarre BeachSide Church donated Thanksgiving boxes, and organizers say Calvary Chapel Navarre has also stepped up and will provide 40 Thanksgiving boxes next week. Additionally, another local congregation provides backpacks filled with helpful items for those who are homeless.
The ACTS ministry is seeking non-perishable food and monetary donations, which are tax deductible. Donations may be dropped on during hours of operation or arranged at other times by calling 850-939-0037.