“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke. This is one of my favorite quotes because it is so true. As I read the headlines of the news outlets and watch TV news it’s all about two people, Trump and Clinton. They are throwing mud at each other, and people love it, personally I am tired of the mud, I want them to focus on America! I hate to break the news to you, but the world does not revolve around just two people, and their personalities, it takes more than that to run this country. It takes federal, state and local elections too! If people don’t wake up other important elections that they should be involved in will be ignored, and people will suffer.
There are local, state and federal elections going on in every state, and yet you hear very little about them. In Santa Rosa County alone there are nineteen local, state and federal offices that people will be voting on this year. How many of you know anything about the offices or the candidates? Within that these local races there are fourteen offices with twenty-three candidates. Do you know who they are? There are four State of Florida offices with seven candidates. Do you know who they are? And, last but not least there is a U.S. House of Representative office that you will be voting on in District One to fill the position that Rep. Jeff Miller held, and there are thirteen candidates in that race! Do you know who they are?
You have the opportunity in June, July and August to attend the Santa Rosa Tea Party Patriots Candidate Forums to learn about each candidate who agrees to participate. It is a non-partisan forum so all candidates from all parties (or no party affiliation) will be invited. Don’t be one who does nothing; learn who the candidates are so you can make an educated decision in the voting booth.
The first forum will be held on Monday June 13th from 6-8 pm for the following offices… Supervisor of Elections; Superintendent of Schools; School Board; State Senate; Tax Collector, and State Attorney. The forum will be held at the Pace Community Center at the Santa Rosa Sportsplex 5976 Chumuckla Hwy Pace, Florida 32571 (7/10 mile past the Berryhill/Chumuckla Hwy Intersection) The July and August forums will be announced later.