Navarre High School is searching for local businesses that are looking to hire employees. Those businesses can attend the 5th annual Navarre High School Job Fair on February 7.
Businesses located in Santa Rosa, Okaloosa and Escambia counties are encouraged to contact John Mirra for information on how they can represent their business at the job fair and help hire local students.
The job fair will take place on Tuesday, February 7. Doors will open at 9:20 a.m. and the event will run until 11 a.m.
Current NHS students who are 16 years of age and older who are seeking employment will be in attendance at the job fair. Students are being asked to come to the fair with resumes in hand.
If you want to represent your business at the job fair, contact Mirra at (850) 748-3828 or email him at john.mirra@att.net.