Escambia County Property Appraiser Chris Jones has completed his investigation into whether a homestead tax exemption claim for property owned by Representative Mike Hill and Greta Hill and found it complies with Florida law.
According to Jones, Representative Hill and his wife recently responded to requests for additional information to review an anonymous complaint regarding the homestead exemption claim at their home in northwest Pensacola.
Jones said the response included affidavits from Representative Hill, his wife, and their daughter along with correspondence from their legal counsel and an application for homestead tax exemption submitted by Greta Hill. The application also included the permanent residency information for Ms. Hill as required under Florida Statutes.
“Based upon review of the additional information, the ECPA concludes that the homestead tax exemption of the property complies with Florida law based upon the permanent resident status of Greta Hill, as specified in (Florida Statute Section 196.031),” said Jones in a release. “This matter is concluded.”