The Conference of County Court Judges of Florida awarded Santa Rosa County Court Judge Robert Hilliard the Harvey Ford Award at its annual conference in July.
The Harvey Ford Award is given annually to one county court judge. It is the highest honor bestowed by The Conference of County Court Judges of Florida and recognizes a county court judge who has demonstrated the highest level of profound service to the community, the legal profession, and to the Conference of County Court Judges of Florida.
Judge Hilliard, 63, was elected in 2004, and serves at the Santa Rosa County Courthouse in Milton, where he handles both civil and criminal cases. He is a Past President of the Conference of County Court Judges of Florida. The award presentation recognized Judge Hilliard for his service to the judicial branch, which includes Supreme Court appointments to the Florida Courts Technology Commission, the Trial Court Budget Commission, the Florida Commission on Access to Civil Justice, and the Florida Court Education Council.
The award is named for Broward County Court Judge Harvey Ford, who died in 1995, and was known for his outstanding and dedicated community and professional service.
Florida’s Conference of County Court Judges provides education for judges, develops programs for the improvement of the administration of justice and supports the Supreme Court with statewide legislative needs.