Most people are familiar with “Gooooooood Morning, Vietnam!” That greeting was made famous by the Robin Williams film by that title. But the real story of the American military’s radio stations in Vietnam is far more interesting.
Pensacola resident Harry Simons served in the Marine Corps during the war. He was assigned to the American Forces Vietnam Network (AFVN) in both Saigon and Danang from 1967 – 1969. Mr. Simons recently provided WEBY with many hours of original studio quality tape recordings of his rock and roll music programs and some shows by other AFVN disc jockeys. These programs that aired nearly 50 years ago have been provided for the purpose of sharing these historical broadcasts with his fellow veterans.
1330 AM WEBY Radio is compiling these time-capsule recordings into a special week-long commemoration to honor the service of our Vietnam veterans. WEBY has interviewed many veterans who created the AFVN programming as well as many veterans who remember listening to it while in Southeast Asia. All have told very interesting stories about their service.
This ten hour tribute program (which will run without news or commercial interruptions) will air on WEBY Radio in prime time over five days (October 26th – 30th) shortly before the 2015 Veterans Day Observation. An encore presentation will air in its entirety on Veterans Day (Wednesday, November 11th) from 8am to 6pm.
Read more in the Oct. 23 edition of South Santa Rosa News.