Local spay/neuter transport group seeks property donation

Posted on February 26, 2019 by Staff reports

A Hope for Santa Rosa County, which provides low-cost spay/neuter transportation to Spay Bay in Panama City, is looking for a property donation to enable opening a local clinic.

Currently the group transports dozens of dogs and cats to Bay County for low-cost spaying and neutering.

“We are booked to capacity (50 animals) every two weeks and are booked out through March. Believe me, this is a good problem to have as our community is embracing the idea that getting pets and community cats fixed is a big part of the solution to overpopulation and high euthanasia rates at our shelter,” said Paige Cary, a spokeswoman for the group. “A HOPE needs to get the word out that opening a clinic in Santa Rosa County has become urgent. The need has been established, over 1000 animals have been transported and spayed/neutered in the last 18 months.”

According to Cary, the group hopes to solicit a donation of two to three acres. She said the property could be vacant or have an existing building which could be renovated. 

“There has to be people out there in our community who could donate this, offer for a lower cost or make a substantial donation for purchase,” Cary said.

Contact A Hope for Santa Rosa at events@ahope4src.com if you are interested in helping the group find property for a future clinic.