A Gulf Breeze man who was allegedly trying to defend his own mother was slapped with a felony and a separate misdemeanor charge last Sunday after he allegedly pointed a gun at his father during a heated argument.
The suspect, 19-year-old Cameron Fields, of Laurel Drive was arrested and charged with Aggravated Assault With a Deadly Weapon Without Intent to Kill and Battery. Following his first appearance, his bond was set at $750, which he later posted.
According to the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office arrest report, Fields, his mother and his father and a few family friends went to Pensacola Beach via boat to watch the Mardi Gras Parade and were on their way back home when an argument ensued between Fields and his father. According to Fields’ statement in his arrest report, his father called his mother a “bitch” and the teenager stood up and told his father not to talk to his mother like that.
That’s when, the report stated, Fields’ father started attacking his own son. Fields was pinned to the floor of the boat by his dad and was strangled to a point where he had to gasp for air, the suspect’s statement read.
When the boat arrived at his residence in Gulf Breeze, Fields told law enforcement that he exited the boat, ran to the front of the home and retrieved a .22 caliber gun from his truck, which he claimed he abruptly fired off as a “warning shot”. The report indicated that when Fields exited the boat and ran to the front yard, his father followed him and that he only retrieved the gun because he was “in fear that his dad was going to fight him again”.
After firing the warning shot, Fields stated he told his father “Don’t come any closer”, the report stated.
A nearby witness to the incident abruptly jumped in and took the gun from Fields, the report indicated.
When the responding deputy spoke with Fields’ father, the man claimed that his son accused him of calling his wife a “bitch” and that the 19-year-old approached him at the helm of the boat and started being aggressive with him by pushing and being belligerent, the report stated.
The man claimed that he only pinned his son down in the boat, and that the other people in the boat helped move Fields to the front of the boat after he was pinned down, the statement read.
The man stated that when they arrived at the home, he only ran after Fields because he was intoxicated and did not want him to drive his truck, according to the report. The man told authorities that his son leaned into his truck and grabbed a pistol and that he tackled his son to the ground and the gun discharged in an unknown direction, the statement indicated. After the gun went off, a nearby neighbor took the gun from Fields as the father and son were wrestling around in the front of the residence, his rendition read.
Fields’ mother said that she didn’t hear her husband call her a “bitch” on the boat, but that Fields “freaked out” about the alleged statement and got in his father’s face, the report stated.
Fields has no prior arrests in Santa Rosa County according to the Santa Rosa County Jail View website.