Milton City Councilman Mike Cusack has admitted violating Florida State Statutes and agreed to pay a $1,500 fine, stemming from allegations he disclosed confidential proposed salary information and attempted to sabotage salary negotiations with former City Manager Scott Collins, who resigned February 4, 2024.
The Executive Director of the State of Florida Commission on Ethics found a September 1, 2023 complaint filed against Cusack to be legally sufficient and ordered a preliminary investigation for probable cause.
Subsequently, an investigation ensued, and a probable cause hearing in the case had been scheduled for April 19. However, Cusack and the Ethics Commission entered into an April 1 stipulated settlement in lieu of further hearings.
“Respondent violated Section 112.313(8), Florida Statutes by using or disclosing information not available to the general public, to benefit himself and/or another,” states stipulation agreement signed by Cusack. “Respondent enters into this Joint Stipulation with the understanding of the seriousness of the violation and gives his assurance that this proceeding has affected themanner in which he conducts himself as a public official in a positive way.”
The stipulation agreement is subject to approval by the Ethics Commission, who will meet April 19 at the First District Court of Appeal in Tallahassee to take final action on the complaint.