Milton Mayor Heather Lindsay on January 30 lodged a complaint with the Florida Bar against City Attorney Alex Andrade. However, days later her complaint on behalf of the City of Milton was closed after it was deemed “political” and outside the organization’s scope.
“Everything she does is political,” said Councilwoman Shari Sebastiao. “I think she needs to learn to stay in her lane. Reading that complaint, it comes across as her complaining on behalf of our city, and I assure you our council would not have supported taking that action.”
Lindsay did not request council submission to submit the complaint on the City’s behalf.
Lindsay’s 15-page complaint asked for Andrade, who also serves as Florida House District 2 Representative, to be investigated based on accusations which included but weren’t limited to “communication failures.”
Ironically, the Mayor had publicly admitted to blocking Andrade from her cell phone yet failed to mention that in the complaint.
Additionally, Lindsay complained that Andrade “re-recruited” the candidate for a job but also accused him of “coordinating efforts” with others to prevent that same candidate from successful contract negotiations, even though the candidate was hired.
“My fellow officials in the City of Milton may accuse me of being on a ‘witch hunt’,” Lindsay admitted in the document.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say this was the bizarre manifesto of an unhinged person,” Andrade told South Santa Rosa News. “It’s a complete work of fiction and revisionism.”
Milton Councilman Matt Jarrett says he wishes Lindsay would stop attempting personal attacks. “I wish she would focus on the city’s business,” Jarrett said.
Meanwhile, Andrade continues to hope for less drama at City Hall. “I will continue to be available to Mayor Lindsay whenever she’s ready to set her paranoia aside and focus on serving the Citizens of Milton,” he said.
However, now Lindsay could be the one now facing complaints after making comments encouraging employees to join the Union or lose their rights, which is a violation of the Florida Public Employee Relations standards for unfair labor practices.