Yesterday South Santa Rosa News shared personnel action forms for Ginger Pace, a candidate for Santa Rosa County Clerk of Court, and Pace’s relative, Tammy Caylor, who was terminated from the office around 10 months ago.
A records request revealed that under Pace’s supervision Caylor had been running a side hustle, performing marriage ceremonies while on the clock.
Subsequently, Pace, who had been working as a Recording Supervisor II, was demoted August 25, 2023 to a Recording Clerk III; she also received a 10% cut in pay prior to filing to run for Clerk on September 25, 2023.
Caylor was terminated from the office. Records show that she had performed 115 marriage ceremonies while on the clock. Receipts show she was charging around $160 per ceremony last summer. Additionally, records show she also performed 311 ceremonies off the clock.
Since Caylor’s termination, the Clerk’s office has started offering marriage ceremony services for $30 each.