By now most Santa Rosa residents know Pensacola News Journal is a VERY biased source of news & information, leaning to the left. But for those of you who still don’t have a clue about how poorly that so-called newspaper reports on Santa Rosa County issues, let’s take today’s story by Tom McLaughlin into consideration…
Multiple sources tell me that a third-party vendor for the Santa Rosa County Board of County Commissioners was hacked and that Santa Rosa County Engineer Rebecca Jones processed an emailed invoice, totaling around $800,000 or more. Those sources also tell me around $500K has been already recovered. Also, nobody is “blaming” Jones for what occurred. She is simply in charge of the related department.
But PNJ’s headline states that up to $800K was “stolen” from the Clerk of Court’s office.
The PNJ story doesn’t even mention Jones or the third-party vendor.
There’s a good reason PNJ runs with hearsay. Many Santa Rosa County officials refuse to give them interviews because of their bias. They send McLaughlin’s calls to voicemail and don’t return them.
Today’s story is the perfect example of why.
We’ll bring you an accurate story about what actually happened soon…in the meantime, don’t listen to PNJ.
Remember, they’re the same ones who bashed a man who had given Arc free rent for 7 years. #fakenews