The Navarre Beach Area Chamber of Commerce and Santa Rosa County are poised to ink a deal that will keep the chamber in the Visitor Information Center on U.S. 98.
The chamber will pay $7,470 annually for the space, or $622.50 per month , according to a proposed lease.
Santa Rosa County Commissioners will discuss the lease at their committee meeting set for 9 a.m. Monday, March 21, at the Santa Rosa County Administrative Office Complex, located at 6495 U.S. 90 (behind McDonald’s). The agenda for the meeting is posted at http://santarosa.fl.gov/agendas/agendaView.cfm?ID=2268. The meeting will be broadcast online at http://santarosa.fl.gov/bocc/BOCC_Calendar/#.
Customarily, the Monday “committee meetings” are used to discuss and debate items on the agenda, while formal decisions are made at the commission’s regular meeting, held the following Thursday. The regular meeting is set for 9 a.m., Thursday, March 24, at the Administrative Complex in Milton.
“The Navarre Beach Area Chamber has used space in the Visitor’s Information Center since March 2010,” County Administrator Tony Gomillion wrote in a report to commissioners. “Tourist Development Office staff has met with the chamber leadership and determined that the referenced lease agreement is consistent with the current plans for the use of this space”
The lease gives the chamber 415 square feet of space inside of the building. The chamber will split the power bill in half with the county and is responsible for its own telephone and Internet service. The county will provide water and sewer for the facility.
If approved, the lease begins on April 1.
Other items on the agenda include:
- Discussion of hiring Sam Marshall Architects of Pensacola for design and construction of the roof rehabilitation project at the Navarre Library for $4,800.
- Discussion of purchase of a replacement truck from Hub City Ford in Crestview for $22,496.00 for the Navarre Beach Department, replacing a 1990 pickup truck that recently “died.”
- Discussion of applying for a $25,000 grant from the Florida Animal Friend spay/neuter license plate grant program. This would allow the Santa Rosa County Animal Shelter, for the fifth year, to offer spaying and neutering to low income families for a small co-pay. In four years of participation, about 1,600 pets have been spayed or neutered, at a limit of two per family.