As it has always been said, the New Year is a good time for change. That holds true for us at the sheriff’s office this year as the New Year brings a change to our Navarre district. I would like to introduce myself, Lt. Brian Miller. I am your new District Commander for Navarre. I have been with the sheriff’s office for 17 years and have previously been assigned to Navarre both as a deputy and later as a Sergeant. I am thrilled to be in this position and looking forward to working with the community in any manner that I can be of assistance.
That being said we have a big event coming up here shortly, the Navarre Beach Mardi Gras Parade on February 15th. Anyone who has attended this event in the past knows how much fun it can be, but also knows it presents a few challenges. We encourage everyone to come out and have fun, but to also work with us as we strive to keep it as safe as possible. First, yes there will be horribly congested traffic that day. We will be working diligently to alleviate it as quickly and as safely as possible. Please work with us and, above all else, be patient. Second, make sure if you lock your vehicles. Let’s not give those who look to ruin a good time any opportunities. In addition to all the deputies who will be working the parade, myself along with several other of the Sheriff’s command staff will be present and will be glad to help you in any way we can.
As I said before, I am thrilled to be here in this position and look forward to working with all of you. Please call or come by the office on High School Boulevard. if I can help you in any way.