Dave Piech represents the Navarre area and his four-year term ends this year. He has not yet pre-filed to seek re-election to another four-year term.
Santa Rosa County Commissioners during today’s regular commission meeting will be asked to approve $83,703 in additional costs plus further time delays for Navarre Park improvements, which were first approved in 2017.
Despite District 4 Commissioner Dave Piech recently stating during a monthly Santa Rosa County Tourist Development Council meeting that Navarre Park improvements would be ready by the end of January, today’s agenda contains two add-ons for changes orders which will result in a new completion date around mid-March 2022.
Proposed change order #6 relates to the removal and replacement of the walkway from the new park area to the existing Visitor Information Center. That change order seeks a 14-day extension to February 11 and additional costs of $14,313.
Proposed change order #7 relates to installation of the new splash pad and seeks a 35-day extension to March 18, 2022 and additional costs of $69,390.
Coupled with a previously approved increases of $64,984, if approved today, change orders #6 and #7 will bring up total project costs to $3,463,687.
That’s $148,687 over the original $3,315,000 agreement.
Piech can be reached for comment via district4@santarosa.fl.gov.