Backwards three-legged race, water gun obstacle course and a Bird Box challenge are just a few of the fun activities planned for the 2019 Winter Navarre Beach Olympics.
The event will take place starting at 11 a.m. on Saturday, January 26 at Juana’s Pagodas.
Other planned activities include:
- Volley Pong
- Cornhole
- Malibu Sponge Race
- Volley Bowl
- Par 3 Big Ball challenge
- Sharp Shooter Ladder
- Oven Mitt Noodle Ring Toss
- Scuba Steve’s Egg Roll Race
- Adult Bouncy Ball Relay
The top 4 teams will be in the last event called the Key Master.
“These are basically summer camp games for adults,” said organizer and former professional volleyball player Judd Smith. “We had a blast last year.”
According to Smith, Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals will be awarded to the winners.
Registration starts at 10 a.m. inside Juana’s, and cost is $20 per person. The format is two-person teams with no gender rule. Team colors and flags are encouraged.