Stan Nichols, Santa Rosa County Tax Collector, is proud to announce the launch of “Express Lane.” This new service will allow for online renewal and same-day pickup of vehicle, boat or mobile home registrations.
“We are excited to offer this additional service to our customers,” said Nichols. “Finding options that keep our residents from standing in line is a win-win situation for everyone.”
Currently “Express Lane” service is only available at the Milton office. “But we are planning on rolling it out to the south end in the next couple of weeks,” said SRCTC Director of Public Information Bryan Hathaway.
Santa Rosa residents who renew online before 3:00 p.m. (Monday through Friday), can pick up their registration in the office, the same day. Renewals AFTER 3 p.m. can be picked up the next business day.
For more details and information on this service, please visit www.santarosatax.com/trexpresslane.html