Holley-Navarre Water System’s board of directors at a meeting on Tuesday discussed the utility-owned Club at Hidden Creek, addressing financial issues and improvements to the facility.
Club manager Jim Morgan asked the board for additional operating funds and an extension on repayment of existing promissory notes to the utility. Morgan also requested the board look into making improvements which he said have been needed for years.
The newly seated board approved $85,000 in operating expenses and an extension until December 31 to repay the promissory notes.
Additionally, the board approved several immediate improvements, including $1,500 for blinds in the dining room and entryway and drapes; $2,100 to replace an inoperable outdoor patio fireplace; and $10,248 for construction of a cart path for Hole #8.
Furthermore, more costly improvements were also discussed, including additional cart paths, replacing entry doors, refurbishing restrooms at Holes #4 and #14 at a cost of $40,000, adding drive range netting and replacing fencing along East Bay Boulevard.
“The bathrooms are shameful,” said Director Ricki DeSantis.
The board voted to start gathering quotes for the more expensive improvements and to explore solar power for the outdoor restrooms.
According to HNWS Vice President Will Goulet, the planned improvements will not cause any rate increases for utility members. “They will be funded through capital improvement budgets,” he said. “We’re just trying to get the course back on track.”
The board also formed a golf course committee which will be open to members. Directors Mark Miller and Ricki DeSantis will also serve on the committee.
Goulet said the point of the committee is to engage the membership and aim for more transparency. “So we can get input from the community on the needs of the golf course. So they feel that they have a voice,” he said.
In an effort to further transparency, Director Daryl Lynchard also made a successful motion to create a Facebook page for the water system in which directors could discuss and share information with the public.