Replacement of wooden decking on the 1,545-foot Navarre Beach Fishing Pier is planned for this spring and Navarre Beach Utilities Supervisor Terry Wallace said no closures are expected during the refurbishment.
Wallace said commissioners will likely formally approve the project later this month and initial estimates for the project are between $350,000-600,000. “They don’t know the exact amount yet,” he said.
“Should be starting about March or April,” Wallace said, noting the pier will not close during the refurbishing effort. “We can do certain sections at a time.”
The pier was reopened in 2010 after new construction, following demolition of the former pier, which was damaged by a series of storms, including Hurricane Ivan in 2004. The structure is owned by the county, which contracted Growing Santa Rosa Enterprises, LLC to operate the pier facility.
Commissioners during the next set of January meetings are also expect to discuss a change in the ownership of GSRE, following negotiations among partners to settle a legal dispute over managerial issues.
The next county commission meeting will take place at 9 a.m., Tuesday, January 22 at the County Administrative Complex, located at 6495 Caroline Street in Milton (normally the meeting would take place Monday, January 21; however, the meeting was rescheduled due to the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday).