Not one to ever let the truth get in the way of a good hissy fit, Lil’ Crybaby Chris Smith, owner of Gulf Coast Gun & Outdoors, this evening made false assertions about Santa Rosa News and its publisher during a Facebook live video on his business page.
Crybaby Chris started off expressing support for Florida House District 3 Representative Joel Rudman then turned to attacking South Santa Rosa News over an opinion piece we posted about Rudman’s lackluster performance in the Florida legislature.
“Mariya Calkins is running again for state representative,” Crybaby Chris asserted. However, a quick query of the state elections website shows Smith’s statement was untrue. Rudman has no competition in the House District 3 race at this time. Additionally, Calkins told South Santa Rosa News this evening she has “no intention of running.”
Furthermore, Lil’ Crybaby Chris went on to falsely assert that Romi White, publisher of South Santa Rosa News, has taken advertising money from Rudman’s competition (he has none). “They’re acting like they’re news articles, but they’re just ads going against who their opponent is. So that is what she’s doing to Dr. Rudman right now.”
No, Crybaby Chris, the reason I ran the editorial about Rudman has NOTHING to do with money. In fact, Joel and Mariya BOTH advertised with South Santa Rosa News during their 2022 campaigns!
You see, I wrote that editorial because it infuriated me (and others) when Rudman left the House floor during voting Thursday night ahead of Sine Die. He left to go play a music gig!! How disrespectful. VIPs took note.
Here’s some other reasons:
- Out of the 14 bills Rudman’s sponsored over the past two legislative sessions, he was only able to build enough consensus to 4 of them passed;
- Rudman has been actively working with Democrats to expand Medicaid for “childless adults” in Florida;
- He openly bragged about lying to get up close at a Bill Clinton rally (Who boasts about being deceitful? Rudman, that’s who);
- Rudman seems to ignore people who question him – not just me;
- He misled people to believe he wasn’t seeking re-election again then accused OTHERS of starting rumors about him not running again (watch it for yourself at this link – skip ahead to the 44-minute mark) RUDMAN STARTS RE-ELECTION RUMOR ON PODCAST
Here’s White’s statement about Gulf Coast Gun’s video:
“Chris Smith has been completely unhinged and irresponsible with his anger and meanness for some time now. He spreads lies and practices name calling like some school yard bully. His business practices fat shaming and has liked a fat shaming comment posted to its page. Chris seems to always be upset at persons who don’t do exactly what he wants or express views other than his own, and he stops at nothing to attack them, even mocking a Purple Heart recipient.”
South Santa Rosa News has requested that the false information Crybaby Chris shared via Gulf Coast Gun & Outdoor’s business page be corrected, but he has just doubled down, continuing to spread more lies.
In conclusion, although Smith has the freedom to mock Commission Chairman Sam Parker, who was awarded a Purple Heart after being shot in the line of duty back when was a local sheriff deputy, Smith crossed a line. A thin blue line. This was inexcusable. Watch for yourself and decide:
*The photo for this opinion piece was not edited