OPINION: Pitchfork Posse Threatens Violence Against Elected Official, Damages Recall Florida Effort, Spurs Republican Infighting

Posted on May 4, 2023 by EDITORIAL BOARD

Santa Rosa Republican State Committeeman David Farrow made a violent threat against Milton City Councilman Jeff Snow during Monday’s council meeting

Ahead of the 2024 election cycle, key Republican leaders from our area are embarassed and disappointed by violent threats and infighting they’re seeing from a few local Republicans, including members of Gulf Coast Patriots, an extremist group whose members have been exhibiting behavior so egregious that they have alienated fellow Conservatives.

Last year Gulf Coast Patriots hosted a political forum in which a candidate for school board attracted negative national media attention to Santa Rosa County after suggesting doctors who treat transgender youth should be “hanging from the nearest tree.”

Gulf Coast Patriots officers have included Sharon Regan, Patty Burke and Angie Carter, who have become active in the Santa Rosa County Republican party.

In my experience, Regan, an attorney who currently serves as Chairwoman of the Santa Rosa County Republican Executive Committee, has been more level headed than the others. However, local Republicans informed me that Regan sent an email, encouraging REC members to “pack the house” at Monday’s Milton City Council meeting in Milton. 

Regan’s email said the effort was two-fold: “The first are the nerves of the guest speaker:   Linda Sanborn. The second is the proposed change to the public speaking and input policy.”

During that City Council meeting, Santa Rosa Republican State Committeeman David Farrow made a violent threat against Councilman Jeff Snow. “I’d just love to just ram my fist in your mouth,” Farrow told Councilman Snow from the podium, causing Mayor Heather Lindsay to reprimand Farrow.

Republicans should disavow Farrow’s threat of violence toward an elected official. I believe he should be removed from his position with the Republican party.


Angie Carter and Sherry Chapman protesting against Florida Senate Appropriations Chairman Doug Broxson, a Republican who lives in Gulf Breeze who won re-election by a nearly 80-percent margin.

Additionally, Angie Carter of Gulf Coast Patriots and Sherry Chapman, a Pea Ridge resident, are causing additional Conservative/Republican infighting. This anger-ridden duo seems easily triggered by RINOs and Democratic associates in Preserve Navarre and Save our Soundside. Their environmental activists friends speak out at local Democrat Party meetings. Carter and Chapmen actually went to Tallahassee to lobby for Recall Florida with a Democrat. So it’s no wonder Recall has failed for a third time. Chance Johnmeyer, a founder of Recall Florida, and Rep. Joel Rudman, who sponsored the 2023 Recall legislation, are smart guys who should wise up and distance themselves from these two women, especially Chapman, who was banned for 28 days this week from a local political group for lying.

True Santa Rosa Republicans need to do something to address the shameful, counter-productive behavior and calls for violence stemming from the Republican Executive Committee and Gulf Coast Patriots members. It’s brought national shame on Santa Rosa County, embarassed and hurt us in Tallahassee and seemingly triggering some extremists to want to commit violent acts against elected Republicans in our local area.

Contact Regan at to let her know you want to see a public apology from Farrow for his violent threat against Councilman Snow.