Parents Can Opt Out of Student Directory Inclusion

Posted on August 16, 2021 by Romi White

Santa Rosa County School District parents/guardians recently received a letter informing them about a form required to opt out of having their student’s information included in the district’s student directory.

According to School District Public Information Officer Brandi Bates, the directory is typically requested by media outlets for publishing A/B honor roll information or for vendors, such as those offering class rings or yearbooks. Bates went on to say it can also be requested by military recruiters and, rarely, by companies providing services such as supplemental insurance.

“The information is not publicly available on our site but available by public records request through our public records custodians in our (Human Resources) office,” said Bates. “It is not available to all staff.”

Parents/guardians must submit the completed form by the first week of September or within ten days of enrolling if they do not want the school to disclose directory information from their student’s education records without their prior consent.

Parents/guardians may opt out of the directory inclusion by completing the form, which is available via their student’s guidance office.