Since peanuts are one of the major crops grown in Santa Rosa County – and peanut butter is a great protein – UF/IFAS Extension Santa Rosa is holding their annual Peanut Butter Challenge Oct. 1 to Nov. 25 to feed local families in need. Collected peanut butter will be distributed through several agencies and food pantries that serve in Santa Rosa County.
Bring unopened jars of peanut butter to the UF/IFAS Extension office, 6263 Dogwood Drive in Milton from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Businesses and civic or church organizations interested in collecting should contact Chris Verlinde, christinav@santa.fl.gov or Mary Salinas, maryd@santarosa.fl.gov, 850-623-3868. A peanut butter collection box will be provided.
Last year, UF/IFAS Extension Santa Rosa collected 1296 jars (2431 pounds) of peanut butter for families in need. Since 2012, the Peanut Butter Challenge has collected thousands of jars of peanut butter from residents, volunteer groups and businesses in 16 northwest Florida counties. The Florida Peanut Producers Association and Florida Peanut Federation generously contribute pallets of peanut butter every year!
“The Peanut Butter Challenge not only raises awareness about the important contribution of north Florida’s peanut growers to the state peanut industry, but also helps provide a healthy, locally produced product to food-insecure families in the area,” said Libbie Johnson, agriculture agent for UF/IFAS Extension Escambia and Santa Rosa counties and co-organizer of the challenge.
For questions, contact Mary Salinas, 850-623-3868 or Chris Verlinde, 850-623-3868.