Soundside Animal Hospital in Navarre has provided personalized care to pets and their owners since 2001 and now offers pet acupuncture services for cats and dogs.
Dr. Tricia Pharr, a member of the Soundside Animal Hospital team since 2008, has received her Certified Veterinary Acupuncture (CVA) license after studying at the Chi Institute.
Acupuncture is the practice of inserting needles into the body tissue in order to relieve both localized and general pain and inflammation.
Acupuncture can stimulate the release of toxins and wastes and improve blood circulation and oxygenation. Veterinary acupuncture may be recommended for pets suffering from gastrointestinal disorders, respiratory problems, neurological disorders, musculoskeletal disorders, allergies and more clinical conditions.
Many pets are already feeling better and in better health such as Mizu the cat whose sinusitis was treated with acupuncture and herbs and Bella the dog being treated for pancreatitis whose appetite improved and pain level reduced with acupuncture.
Acupuncture services are available weekdays by appointment only and after a consultation with Dr. Pharr.
Soundside Animal Hospital is in Harvest Village shopping center at 7552 #3 Navarre Parkway. Call us at 850-939-6080 or visit soundsideanimalhospital. com for more information on pet acupuncture and all our veterinary services.