The project includes paving Camden Dr. from Indian St. to Kempton St. and upgrading existing drainage culverts. By contract, the project, which had a start date of Nov. 26, should be completed within 180 days.
Local traffic along Camden Dr., Sherwood Dr., Indian St., Glassport St., Bellingham St., Kempton St., and Elbing St. will be temporarily impacted during construction of stormwater improvements and paving activities. Detours will be in place as needed to direct traffic around the impacted areas. Drivers are asked to use caution.
“I’m pleased to see progress to alleviate the drainage issues in Holley by the Sea,” said District 4 Commissioner Dave Piech. “This along with the Sunrise Drive entrance is a good start but there is much work yet to do. The HBTS drainage study identified over $80 million in needed projects. We will continue to work with the state to seek additional partnering opportunities to continue progress in improving drainage not just in HBTS but across District 4.”
For additional information regarding this project, contact Michael Schmidt, Santa Rosa County engineering department, 850-981-7100.