Public input sought on suicide prevention and drug abuse in Santa Rosa County

Posted on March 12, 2019 by

 The Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) Workgroup is inviting the community to a March 20 public forum to discuss risk factors, protective factors, and potential solutions to address the growing trend of suicide and drug abuse in Santa Rosa County.

This is an opportunity for the community to get involved by contributing ideas, feedback, and resources to address mental healthcare and to discuss strategies to combat drug abuse in our community.

WHAT: Injury Prevention/Mental Health Public Forum

WHEN: Wednesday, March 20, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. CDT

WHERE: Santa Rosa County Health Department

                5527 Stewart Street

                Milton, Florida 32570

This CHIP workgroup was established in 2016, following the release of the Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA), to address issues surrounding injury prevention. With the new health priorities set in the 2019 CHNA, the focus of this group will be suicide prevention and drug/opioid abuse.

In 2016, in Santa Rosa County, FL., 15.3 percent of adults reported poor mental health 14+ days in a month versus 9.7 percent statewide. Also in 2016, 20 percentof Santa Rosa County adults were diagnosed with a depressive disorder.

In 2017, 5,900 people visited the ER for treatment of mental health disorders, excluding drug and/or alcohol related issues. Between 2015-2017, 69 residents of Santa Rosa County died due to drug poisoning.

For information regarding the CHNA, or on preventing suicide and drug abuse, contact the Florida Department of Health in Santa Rosa County’s Community Health Division at 850-564-2233 or visit the Florida Department of Health at